About Us
About Us
I am Jeff Hammerman, DDS, MAGD.  The DDS is dentist. The MAGD stands for Master of the Academy of General Dentisty, which means that I spend a lot of time learning more about dentistry, over 1400 hours at last count. I like what I do a lot.

The Staff

The office is ably run by Andrea, and she is assisted by Paula, our receptionist from Taos.

I am fortunate to have Andrea and Andres, a pair of highly skilled and very professional EFDAs (Expanded function dental assistants), working very closely with me chairside. They both have had extensive training in very technical areas and are both perfectionists.   

Our hygienists are Kendra, who started her hygiene career here, Meredith, who comes over from Angel FIre, and Kathy, formerly with Dr. Jakiela.  Kendra is laser certified and licensed in local anesthesia. Kathy, who is from Black Lake, is also laser certified and can give anesthesia.

The office is very warm and welcoming and we will be re-instituting our coffee, cookies and water bar very shortly. You're welcome to stop by anytime, even if you aren't scheduled. I will be surprised if you don't find it very homey and comforting.

One more thing, I am very good at giving gentle anesthesia and we will offer you the same treatment we would offer our families.    

